Indonesia - APII

Association of Polytechnics and Industry Indonesia


The concept of APII was developed by SITECO together with the school management of ATMI Cikarang. Not before long, this resulted in seeing 3 leading Polytechnics becoming active in addition, namely ATMI Solo, Polman Bandung and Polman ASTRA. Together, they founded APII as an Indonesian association which, next to Polytechnics was going to maintain industrial enterprises as members. The objective of this Organisation is the integration of enterprise in vocational training, such as it functions with regard to the Swiss model. APII is co-financed by SECO and is intended to become a self-sufficient organisation within just a few years.

The vision of a school/industry platform for the purpose of a common perception of vocational training also caught the attention of Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann during his visit at ATMI Cikarang in October 2013. The Swiss Minister of Industry and former President of Swissmem especially pointed out the large potential for the development of APII to become a Swissmem-analogical organisation in Indonesia.

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